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Compelling data stories require diversity; users are not interested in mere numbers and avoid redundant information. It's crucial to offer a range of content. Presenting data as a simple statement like "they didn't listen much" may come across as confrontational and lacks the power to inspire further action. Emphasize the narrative and exclude elements that don't captivate interest. Our proposal is modular — It allows for a curated set of data stories created for specific users. 


Collect fan memories in one place, we can tap into sentimentality and memorabilia.

Platform Content

Launch an extended version of listening stats that is
highly localized and meet local fandom needs

Partnership Integration

By providing exclusive content through partnerships, we can provide value that stretches beyond our platform.


Presenting Premium Value

In an age where everything is demanding your time, Spotify gives you an opportunity to reminisce and grow. Spotify connects you with your communities, reminds you of the memories you have made and expands your relationships with music. 

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