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Preface is a product that connects the reader to the broader stakeholders of the reading experience. It allows for reviews and news to be populated in one space, instead of hosted on multiple websites.

User Research
Art Direction
User Interface


Contextual Inquiry
User Requirements
Scope Analysis

Creating a centralised digital space to foster the reading community.


Recommendations on goodreads and other magazines etc. are scattered, there is a lack of a more personal way of recording how someone feels about a book without being a comment lost at sea. 


This project revolves largely around addressing the grievances of the reading community and the different stakeholders that constitute it.


How might we build a centralised experience for those interested in cataloging and conversing around books?


Understanding a reader’s social experience online.

After conducting research on existing platforms such as the product design at Goodreads and their user base, I decided to cater my product to addressing the pain points in the existing platforms.


MoSCoW Method

Made prioritizing features and managing scope much easier.



PACT Analysis

Helped understand the various contexts of the technology being used


Through an intuitive interface and data suggestions, people would be able to record books and add perform actions on found titles. Preface relies on the features that enable sharing and seeing how other users engage with books without being overwhelmed with reviews.

Pain Points

Poor Community Engagement 

  • Difficult-to-understand and expensive promotion system, which privileges large publishers with huge budgets and makes it harder for indie authors and publishing houses to break through the noise.

  • Reading Challenges do not encourage a positive or community oriented reading experience, reading is not a numbers game.

    “I don’t want someone — or something — to dictate the way I read anymore”

  • No way to control privacy settings for reviews.

Poor Interface

The text is small, and the interface features a copious amount of text which makes it difficult to navigate or know where to begin.

Tedious Process

Shelving seems like an afterthought, with no way or easily switching between shelves or dropping books.


I focused my initial iterations on addressing organically finding and logging books, and developing the social networking faculties that encourage readers to keep reading. 

Persona Scenario

After establishing our design strategies and user needs, I outlined what a typical user journey would look lik. From here, we started to ask ourselves some important questions not only about what an ideal user flow would be but what is the scope of the problem that I’m looking to address intially.
  • At what points can a user add books that they find?
  • Where are the areas that expose the use to new books to peruse? 
  • How should the user be able to organise their content?


Wireframe Flow

As I sketched out wireframes for the usecases, I started creating low fidelity prototypes. I researched the common patterns that users may be used to for various features and actions.


What I learned

I personally have trouble keeping up with reading lists. My changes are an attempt to make the platform a more visually engaging and holistic experience.

I started this redesign with the intent of addressing the user pain points, and quickly realised that one of the biggest shortcomings of Goodreads is it’s aesthetics. I used this as an opportunity to explore reinventing the visual elements and branding of an existing product alongside it’s user experience.

What’s next?

I want to continue addressing the pain points in the user experience and prototype it the solutions. This has been a challenging project in terms of its scope, and it has been constructive to understand where the shortcomings in my own process are.

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